Monday 15 February 2016

Death is an Angel

So we hid under the tree of immortality
And dared to eat its fruit
We already know like the gods
And now we exist like the gods
And the creator was wrathful
But we didn’t mind a challenge
So he left us with travails and pains

Banished we were from purpose
And the home beyond the clouds shut
Permanently against us
We sowed evil
Seeds from our hearts
And reaped pestilence
The clouds caked and the earth frowned at us

We played the string of years
And age ran leaving us behind
Wars meant nothing but hollow conquests
The headless crashed about
Even the heartless made centuries a home
Men danced to the painful tunes of diseases
And pain was our death

The earth groaned and drowned into vacuum
Subdued by our population
Traffic lights controlled the human gridlock
Men breathe into men’s faces
And in famine we multiplied
Walking skeletons and ancient hunters
Roaming the prison of life

Men made a feast of torture and torment
Tyrants never died and hearts were not needed
Hanging from nooses man sang sorrow
Wickedness was our currency
And tears we squeezed into bowls
From the eyes of the weak
And drank till we got drunk

It was all madness and grief in mirth
Our souls burnt in empty crypts
And men groaned into the ears of the creator
Then the heavens opened and the spirit of death
Descended upon the earth like a vulture
And there was an eruption of joy
And yet again a great noise of wailing for death was too hungry.

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