Monday 7 March 2016

The Devil's Bride

I do not understand
Why the sun had to rise
In the chilly dawn
Why the moonlight is here so soon
The stars taste like sour grapes
And the morning
I may never see again

I do not understand
Why I have no choice
And years could not
Bear me witness
As age raped the
Voice out of me
My heart baked so early

I do not understand
What I think I know
How evil births righteousness
And dogma stampedes logic
Even if the sun will raze the earth
The young petals die so quickly
Withered in the heat of doctrines

 They all merry in this fog
As the lion comes for the cub
His finger my wrist
The knuckles on my chest to suckle
Tonight will the sea pour into the dam
Yet I will not cry
For the law I shall poison

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