In my own land
In your walled plantation
A slave in Fatherland I am
Penny you pay me
Oh mordant Mongolian
As you drain my life
To feed your insatiable lust
I dare not take a rest
For I will get a horse whip on my paycheck
My skin shines in fatigue for you
Oh Chin Yin Lee
Your blood sucking amputating machines
Turning my poor brothers to sudden beggars
In my fatherland
Oh bloody prakesh!
You have turned my compatriots
Against me as Warrant officers
Morons who yell at their brothers
Oh wretched caricatures
I have no one to cry to
For all I have is a conment
They have sold me out through treacherous treaties
Oh miserable seeds of Judas
I shall get you someday
For you are no better than I am
I refuse to be your carthouse
Oh you insolent Fernando
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